<?php /* Plugin Name: Select Cateogy to Post Plugin URI: http://plugin.php-web.net/wp/category-select Description: Select Cateogy to Post Author: Fumito MIZUNO Version: 1 Author URI: http://php-web.net/ */ $selectcategory = new selectcategory; class selectcategory { protected $catid ; protected $js ; protected $number = 10; public function __construct() { add_action( 'admin_head-post-new.php', array(&$this, 'catid_via_get') ); add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', array(&$this, 'category_post_dashboard_widget') ); } public function category_post_dashboard_widget() { wp_add_dashboard_widget('select_category_post', __('Select Category to Post'), array(&$this, 'select_category_post')); } public function select_category_post() { $categories = get_terms('category', array( 'number' => $this->number, 'hide_empty' => 0, 'orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'DESC' )); foreach ( $categories as $catdata ) { $cat_id = $catdata->term_id; $catname = esc_html( apply_filters('the_category', $catdata->name)); echo '<p><a href="./post-new.php?defaultcatid='.$cat_id.'">'; echo $catname; echo '</a></p>'; } } public function catid_via_get() { if ( current_user_can('edit_posts') && is_numeric( $_GET['defaultcatid'] )){ $this->catid = (int) $_GET['defaultcatid']; $this->catidcheck() ; } else { $this->catid = 0; } } protected function catidcheck() { if ( $this->catid ) { add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array(&$this, 'output_js') ); } } protected function create_js() { $this->js = <<<EOF <script> window.onload= getcatid; function getcatid(){ document.getElementById('in-category- EOF; $this->js .= $this->catid; $this->js .= <<<EOF ').checked = true; } </script> EOF; } public function output_js() { if ( get_cat_name( $this->catid )){ $this->create_js(); echo $this->js; } else { wp_die( 'invalid catid' ); } } }